Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spring Time?

Yes, it felt like spring on the trail today. Funny how 40F feels like spring. I went out and hit 15 mile's. I ran the hill's hard. The ice and slush mix made for a little slipping off the trail at time's but not too bad.


Elizabeth said...

Glad you have a good run, what a difference a couple of days made with the weather

Unknown said...

We call late January here SPRING! I'm happy that you had some "warm" weather, enjoy!

Tara said...

I hear ya. We had 60's here this last weekend and I thought I was in a heat wave. Totally overdressed for my run.

Sounds like you had a great run even with the snow and ice. Do you use yak traks?

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

I use screws in one pair of shoe's and Hob Nobs in the other pair.