Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pay Up Time!

Thats right I had pay for registration on some races. First race is the Mohican 100 June 19 & 20, then the Burning River 100 July 31 & Aug 1. Theirs something about once you pay for a race. "ITS ON" no backing out now! And after a week of only 42 miles, I know I have too get my ass in gear. I will shoot for sub 24hr on both races. It will be hard both races so close together, and in summer heat. Thats why I need to train hard now. I still need to think about some more race's to enter, I like races close to home, keeps cost down right now.


Beth said...

Yes, it is on! Congrats on signing up for 2 races. The marathons have gotten really expensive, so I can only imagine how much a 100 mile race must cost. Good luck!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the advise, it is amazing how 1 mile can hurt. Good luck with the 100 miles training, maybe I will see you at BR, if I have no family conflict, volunteer not run.

brownie said...

You should try Oil Creek in October.

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

Ya!! Oil Creek is on the list, but so many great fall 100mile races!

GZ said...

Brian - curious if you have done 2 100s like this before.

Tara said...

Wow, two 100 mile races almost back to back? What is the recovery time like after a 100 mile race? Ever thought about signing up for the Leadville 100 out here in colorado?

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

Not up to par for a big race like leadville 100. Maybe in a year or two. I am still building up my running, I know my limits.

Jen Feeny said...

Wait a second... 100 miles? 24 hours? OMG... you are a beast!

Soapin' Cindy said...

You're going to do two 100 mile races? Wow. I'd really be crying about the race fees on two big races like that. I need to read blogs like yours and keep telling myself, "I only have to run half of what those really crazy people are running."