Saturday, January 30, 2010

No Shirts 50k

I did the no shirts 50k today. Did the 50k in 6hrs 20min. Not bad for the hills, snow, and ice. We had a little fresh snow over hard icy snow that you just fall through very unevenly, so I just keep turning my ankles. The hard bumpy ice is hard on the bottom of the feet too. And it was a cold one. But it was fun to hammer a good 50k today, and I already had 18 miles for the week and I still have a small run for sunday, some good miles this week.


Beth said...

I love that you describe 6 hrs of crappy conditions, then say that it was fun. You are awesome! Way to crank it out!

Elizabeth said...

When I decided to get on the treadmill, I thought about you, since I know you were doing the 50K, don't know how you all did it but Good job on getting it done because I know how hard that trail is even without the snow.

Jen Feeny said...

You are nuts! But in an awesome, awe inspiring, I wish I were that nuts kinda way. :)

Tara said...

You did a 50K in the snow and ice? LOL, that's awesome! Congrats on your time!

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

My new blog.